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Hearing Aids

The different styles explained

Hearing aids are available in more styles and sizes than ever before. Thanks to miniaturisation of electronics, the use of different materials such as titanium, and a continuing focus on personal style and design, smaller and more discreet hearing aids are now readily available. Now, more and more people can wear tiny, and in some cases 100% invisible models, or stunning styles, matching your lifestyle and image. What’s more, technology has taken hearing aids into a whole new spectrum of rechargeable, bluetooth and artificial intelligence options.

Here we outline the main hearing aid types available – click a style name here to read the description:

Totally Invisible Hearing Aid Lyric

Totally Invisible

The Phonak Lyric is the world’s first 100% invisible hearing aid. It is placed entirely inside your ear canal by our trained audiologist, remaining completely invisible from view. The Lyric requires no daily changing/insertion, no batteries, no filters and is sweat-proof, shower-proof and remains in place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for months at a time.

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Invisible in Canal (IIC)

The Invisible In Canal hearing aid (IIC) fits deep in the ear, completely out of view past the second bend of the ear canal, providing an invisible fit. The cosmetic advantages of this hearing aid can appeal to a wide variety of people and cater for mild to moderately severe hearing losses.

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IIC Hearing Aid Phonak Virto B Titanium
Invisible in Canal
Totally Invisible Hearing Aid Lyric

Completely in the Canal (CIC)

The smallest custom style, Completely In Canal (CIC) hearing aids fit deeply and entirely within the ear canal. They fit mild to moderate hearing losses and offer high cosmetic appeal as they’re nearly invisible when worn.

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In The Canal (ITC)

In The Canal (ITC) hearing aids sit in the entrance of the ear canal. They’re slightly larger than the CIC models but have a longer battery life, and can normally host additional features such as directional microphones for better control and management in noisy environments. They fit mild, moderate and up to severe hearing losses.

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In The Canal Hearing Aids - ITC
In The Canal
In The Ear Hearing Aids - ITE
In The Ear

In The Ear (ITE)

In The Ear hearing aids (ITE) feature a full shell fitting that sits flush within the outer ear bowl. Their size allows the maximum number of additional controls and features such as directional microphones and loops systems, which require more space on the outer portion of the instrument. They can accommodate a larger receiver with enough power for some severe to profound hearing losses.

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Receiver In The Ear (RITE)

RITEs or RIC (Receiver in the Ear hearing aids) hide behind the ear, and have fine, virtually invisible, transparent wires discreetly routing sound into the ear canal. The result is a natural, open feeling as airflow and sound enters the ear naturally around the tip, while amplified sound enters through the tip. RITEs are suitable for most hearing losses, but are particularly suitable for first time users and high frequency hearing losses. They can however be used for severe and profound losses when used with custom ear moulds.

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Receiver In The Ear Hearing Aids - RITE
Receiver In The Ear
BTE Hearing Aid Starkey Muse Wireless MiniBTE
Behind The Ear

Behind The Ear (BTE)

Behind The Ear hearing aids (BTE) fit behind the ear, and have transparent tubing which is usually connected to custom built, clear ear moulds. BTEs are recommended for severe to profound hearing losses.

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