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What are CROS and BICROS Hearing Aids?

When it comes to finding the right hearing solution, our independent audiologists have so many options to choose from to suit every need.   Did you know that some hearing aids are just transmitters that look like hearing aids? In this blog, Gilly explains how this particular hearing system works.

CROS and BiCROS hearing aids are for people who only have hearing in one ear, known as single sided deafness (SSD) or unilateral hearing. A conventional hearing aid is worn in the hearing ear, while a microphone that looks like a hearing aid, sits in the ear which has severe hearing loss. The “good” ear captures the sound from the microphone in the bad ear.

CROS is short for contralateral routing of signal and these hearing aids are for people who have good hearing in their “hearing” ear. BiCROS aids, short for bi-contralateral routing of signal, amplify sound from both sides and feed it into the “better” ear. This hearing system is for people who also have hearing loss in their “good” ear.

Clients who have CROS aids are delighted that they no longer have to ask people to speak into their “good” ear. Like all hearing experiences, it will be different for each person, but these specialist devices have benefited a good number of our clients. With wireless technology and the development of miniaturisation, finding a cosmetic discreet CROS/BiCROS solution is far easier than it was not that long ago.

Comments Julia Freeman who sees us at the Farnham Common practice: “Until I started wearing CROS aids, people used to walk past me, and I hadn’t even sensed they were coming. The aids fitted by Help in Hearing gave me a new lease of life. I have no hearing in my right ear and my aids are so clever as the microphone aid in my right ear transmits the sound to the other ear. It is liberating being able to enjoy social gatherings and meet family and friends without having to try so hard to hear.  I am very grateful to Help in Hearing”.

If you have any questions about your hearing or would like to find out more about any of our hearing devices please call to book an appointment today. Farnham Common/Marlow 0345 2220579 Henley 01 01491 577555 


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