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Why do people avoid hearing tests?

Why do people avoid hearing tests?

We all do it. We all have something in our life that we put off for as long as possible. In talking to our clients, we’ve often heard them say that they’ve known there is an issue with their hearing for some time, but have put off doing something about it. So why do people avoid hearing tests?

Why do people avoid hearing tests?

For many, it all starts with the rush to do our homework on the school bus on the day it’s due to be handed in. And for others, it’s avoiding taking health tests until absolutely necessary. Procrastination could well be one of the reasons why you or a loved one is avoiding having their hearing tested. Life can be busy and it can seem hard to find the time to even make the appointment, let alone attend a consultation.

Hearing loss is just a sign of ageing?

Older people may be under the impression that impaired hearing is just a normal part of advanced age. So they decide not to “bother” anyone with it.

Misplaced fears

In all honesty, for some people it is easier to “side step” the issue because they fear the worst. It becomes preferable to ignore difficulties in hearing people speaking, ringing in your ears or the constant need to increase the TV or radio volume. Or possibly the thing holding you back is the misconception that hearing difficulties will lead to the “embarrassment” of having an obvious and inconvenient hearing aid. Maybe you are concerned about an elderly relative who is showing signs of tinnitus or hearing deficit, but you’re concerned that confronting them will cause upset and arguments.

Worsening problems and their impact

However, hearing health is not something you should take lightly. And delaying a hearing test could actually be making your problems worse. At the very least, your quality of life could be seriously eroded. If it is a gradual decline, you may not even be fully aware of just how much you are missing out on. It could be that you’ve started turning down social engagements, and you have become more insular and lacking in confidence. Or, you feel depressed and frustrated.

One call for improved hearing

Yet all of the above can be soothed away with a visit to an understanding and approachable independent audiologist. An appointment can be made that fits with your lifestyle and schedule. Your audiologist can test you, and talk you through the options in a calm and clear way. Whatever action is required can be arranged seamlessly. It all leads to a huge sense of relief and most likely an improvement in your quality of life.

So why wait? Contact us today.

Hearing tests – where to find out more

To talk to us about hearing tests or to book an appointment, please get in touch or complete our hearing test request form.

Find out what to expect from a hearing assessment with Help in Hearing.

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