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Encouraging healthy ageing


By 2035, over half of adults in the UK are expected to be 50 or over. And yet a study released by Public Health England* earlier this year shows that many older adults have experienced physical deconditioning since the pandemic and lockdown. It also stated that in recent years there has been a continued and steady increase in average life expectancy, with half a million people now in their 90s in the UK, which is more than two and a half times the number in that age group in 1985.

Overall health and wellbeing have therefore never been so important and at Help in Hearing, we encourage a proactive regime which includes all aspects of wellbeing. Cognitive stimulation, physical fitness, healthy eating and regular checks for ears and eyes should all feature in a checklist to enable more people to be healthy and active in later life.

Positive lifestyle changes

What’s more, Public Health England are promoting the concept of productive healthy ageing. They say: “Supporting positive lifestyle changes can lead to an increase in years spent disability free in later life”.

To fit with this, we encourage a holistic approach to hearing healthcare. Age related hearing impairment has for many years been identified as a risk factor for dementia and taking a holistic approach to our hearing health is not only vital, but extremely sensible also. It can help prevent hearing loss and flag up any dangers well in advance, so they can be dealt with in good time.

Holistic approach to Hearing

Says Help in Hearing senior audiologist Wendy Davies: “Prolonged, unaided hearing loss can lead to social isolation and risk of cognitive decline. Early intervention is highly recommended to keep socially active and mentally fit.  A holistic stance on hearing health is one that involves incorporating it into our daily lives and making it something we keep a keen check on, even if nothing is wrong. Think of it in a similar way to visiting the dentist for our oral health. We all make sure we do that at least twice a year, even if we think our teeth are totally fine. It is just something we all do as we know that prevention is better than cure, so doing this keeps us as healthy as possible”.

Do everything you can before any issues arise and keep your ears in great shape by visiting an experienced audiologist. Call today to book on 0345 2220579.

Source: ONS (2020) health state life expectancies by index of multiple deprivation (IMD 2015 and IMD 2019), England, at birth and age 65 years.

* Public Health England Published 20 April 2022

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