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Our ears hear, our brain listens….

…. but without exercise the brain forgets, just like the muscles in your body weaken. This article discusses the LACE therapy program.

At Help in Hearing we offer our clients the Listening and Communication Enhancement Therapy program (LACE). LACE is an interactive computerised training program designed for home use.

We may “hear” in our ears, but we “listen” in our brain. LACE is designed to enhance your ability to communicate by maximising your listening skills and communication strategies.

LACE is the solution when communication in challenging background situations is a lifestyle priority, with or without hearing loss.

This vital rehabilitation program will help re-train your brain to understand conversations in noisy backgrounds or for fast speech.

LACE provides a variety of interactive and adaptive tasks that will help train you to listen and communicate more effectively. LACE training is adaptive, so it is never too difficult or too easy. As you improve, the training intensifies. After a few sessions, you will find yourself conquering difficult listening situations you never imagined possible. Your Help in Hearing audiologist will follow your progress closely and will discuss results in details during the follow up sessions.

Just imagine being able to actively participate in discussions, social gatherings and public events effortlessly! Or to follow conversations without the need to pretend you understood just to avoid the embarrassment of saying “Pardon?” one more time!

Contact us by email or call us on 0845 222 0579 to receive your free information leaflet about LACE or book an appointment at our Farnham Common audiology clinic or Marlow audiology clinic.

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